Monday, November 30, 2009

The Stevanovich Center for Mathematics

In this age of stock markets, hedge funds, investments, and too big to fail it seems even the layman has taken at least a passing interest in the complexities behind financial mathematics. This is what the Stevanovich Center for Mathematics at Chicago University focuses on.

How to understand the patterns and predict the activity of the financial market. Steve Stevanovich is dedicated to this pursuit and the Stevanovich Center for Mathematics is the fulcrum of this dedication.

Steve Stevanovich and his center for mathematics takes the science behind the trends and the newest financial theories, and recruits professionals in the actual field in order to educate the next generation of financial wizards.

The Steve Stevanovich center for mathematics publishes papers, holds conferences, and does a number of other activities online. Also the University is open to researchers and those in the industry to discuss new ideas, learn, and teach.


Nice Right? Yeah I live there. Just kidding. This is Montreux Castle in Montreux Switzerland. Did you know that Switzerland is one of the happiest places on Earth? Statistically speaking, they did surveys. People in the US are generally pissed as you know if you have ever driven a car. Also the entire Scandinavian region has the most beautiful people according to actual statistics not just my opinion, they have one of the longest life expectencies, one of the highest median incomes, are sick less often, live longer... the list goes on and on.
Definitely underrated as a country all together I'd say. It is also home of SGS Asset Management and several firms. They have a low unemployment because there are so many great companies like SGS Asset Management in Montreux, Switzerland.
If you ever visit Switzerland be sure to check out this cool castle, all of their art and history, and you may run into SGS Asset Management... because it is located in Montreux, Switzerland; a very cool place.

You Should Be Fishing Right Now

Who doesn't like fishing? I mean the haters complain about boredom, but it's not all about the excitement of the catch (though that's awsome) it's the entire ambience of the situation. Being close to nature, pitting your skills against an elusive creature, relaxing and forgetting just for a while all the chaos. Sure people say they don't like fishing, until you get them on a boat or out to a nice stream, then they are suddenly fans.

Sak Narwal understands that. He goes out nearly every week. His love began when he was a only a boy, and as he as grown it has taken him to some of the most lovely fishing spots around the globe.

From sprots fish to fly fishing, Sak Narwal has a passion and curiosity for the pastime that has lead him to learn whatever he can about all types of fish, fresh water or salt water, and to learn their eating habbit, their environment, whatever he can to make fishing even more enjoyable.

Sak Narwal has fished for just about everything, and that includes sharks. And although he does enjoy a nice fish dinner, he is strictly catch and release.

NES Employment Solutions

Are you looking for a job? Sure, today the job market isn't all that great... actually it's the worst since 1984 that means a whole lot more people trying to do the same thing you do and make a career at it. You do have one distinct advantage over you 1980's unemployed counterparts other than lack of a rattail and leg warmers, and that is the internet.

NES Employment Solutions uses the internet to match employers and employees on a national scale. I know that was like so new in 1994, but NES Employment Solutions takes it a step further with their integrated network. Don't believe me? Well you could look at their site and see I guess, I mean it can't hurt right?

Classical job seeker sites like Monster and Craig's list just are not what they are used to be. Let's face it, they are a den of scammers the both of them, (a freelaner myself I use both now and then, and you really need to know what to watch for. Hint: to good to be true or "easy" money = total BS)

Anyway, NES Employment Solutions takes the old idea of online job search, and takes it to the next level, making it worth a try.

Eyeglasses Have Come a Long Way

It was rumored that Nero, an infamous Roman Emperor, held a very fashionable glass gem to his eye in order to watch the gladiators at the arena. There are stories of scholars from the late BC's using glasses of water for magnification. The first magnifying glass believed to be for reading was not developed until 1000 AD. The Chinese did have glasses around 2000 years ago, but only to protect them from evil spirits - no proof they made the jup to using them to correct vision.

And to think nowadays many people couldn't live without eyeglasses. Well glasses have certainly come a long way. And today what was once thought of as a crutch (you remember "four eyes" and the rest of the jibes growing up I'm sure) is now a fashion. You can find some beautiful glasses today. Some of the nicest around can be found at One of the many cool things about the internet is you no longer have to travel around the countryside, or even be a Roman Emperor to get something that looks great and helps you see.